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The official RXHEALTH THREAD!!!!!!!!!!


New member
Ok It seems as though some things need to be addressed about this subject. So let me make some points up front first

1. When some one does not get what they want they are 100 times more vocal about it then some who who did get what they wanted.

2. When you see 5-10 people a month complaining or even if you see as many as 20-30 making a order complaint. How many % of there total orders do you think that makes up? 5% maybe if that?

3. You send a email to the company through a help ticket. In fact you send 20 and get no reply for a week. They will fill 100,000 at a min world wide monthly. 5% off that is 5000 tickets a month min they are looking into checking up on and trying to take care of. Take about 200-300 people like your self who has to send 5-20 tickets in a matter of a few days and you can triple that number of ticket they now have to wade through.

Ok now that I have made a few points clear what does this mean? It means RX health ain't burgerking and it ain't have it your way. It means many of you will have 3-4-5-10 orders through them that will go perfectly smooth and then one time its going to suck because that is just the way it is. You can thank the system that fucked you not rxhealth for that one. You can thank our best buds the government for that.

It means rxhealth Is not a shitty sponsor or company that is in the habit of ripping people off because if they were I would be the first person on this site leading the charge to get them thrown off.

So when you ( just a member) who is not there day in and day out. Who does not talk to each and every member of this site daily. Who is not in constant contact with everyone from the sponsors to the admin of this site daily day in and day out. It means (YOU DONT KNOW A FUCKING THING EVEN THOUGH YOU THINK YOU DO)

So let me take a quote from a member who thinks he knows but knows shit. Then explain it.

quote from know nothing member in black. My reply in red.
I have a few problem with these situtations.

1. We shouldn have to pm needto or a mod when you have trouble with a order. Its like running to big brother.
You are 100% correct I don't have to help you, and I do not have to help anyone. No you should not have to pm me you should grow the fuck up and learn how to handle things in a real mans manner. Not turn into a fucking cry baby when you don't get things the instant you want them, or people don't jump at your very word. I take time out of my day to help thous who I don't have to help. Yes it is sad and disgraceful that you cant stand in line like everyone else. You just have to scream and cry and be a big fat baby. So then I have to hold your hand and walk you up to the front of the line like a little 5 year old so that you don't have to wait. After all your so god damn important right?. No I should not have to do that but I do, thank you very much

2.It also make them look shady like "Oh we were gonna rip you but since you pm'd needto we'll send your shit just extra late". You pay for something you should get it none of this pm needto shit. This has happened time and time again and its automatic response now it to pm needto. What needs to happen is kick there ass off the sponsorship of this site.(And I dont wanna hear someone say "Oh are you gonna pay the bills?" Shut the Fuck up.

A. you ever tell me, My staff or anyone on this forum to STFU again you will not be coming back.

B. You nor anyone was ever going to get ripped off and to this very date I know of no one who ever has been. So you (though you think you do) don't have a damn clue!!!!

C. Everyone always gets taken care of when there is a problem. Like I said before I just happen to hold your little bitty hand and bring you up to the front of the line so you don't wet your pants during your 5 year old fit.

D. Also like I stated above. Yes every month there is 5-10 complaints. AAAHH and over 5000 members a month from the forum who had no problems at all and 0 members who in the end get completely ripped off. So again you are talking about things you know nothing about. You only know what you think you see.

3. Idk about you but the shipping time is some bullshit. Thats why people fuck up there cycles is cuz they deal with these fuckers. And yea ill say it I start my cycle and Ill order my pct around like week 8 of a 10 week cycle. You know why? Cuz my sources dont play this shit. Is next day air mother fucker not next year. So you can start putting together that cutter cycle and wait on your pct so you can have everything but have fun running it in winter.

Now that you made the comment announcing your sources I am half tempted to perma ban your ass. However I will just use you as a example to teach members about what the industry calls "negative advertising campaigns".

You see members. Pip has made many comments like the ones he is making now. Not just about rxhealth, but when ever he sees the chance to do so. He Makes them in the steroid pic forums, he makes them in e-clen threads, and any thread he can. What he is doing is putting down a company as much as he can well at the same time throwing out a little "advertising" of his own. Announcing that he has sources that work real fast. In hopes people will catch that part and send him a pm. In fact I am betting this method has worked out real well for him. (I will have admin check into this later and I am betting we wont be seeing him back on the forums after they do. because I know I am right).

See by making a huge seen, he gets him self attention. Gets to put down the competition, and at the same time throw a nicely placed "advertisement" for him self in there too. WOW how smart!!!. Not!!!! its an old trick and easy to catch. I caught him and I have caught many others doing this many times. So trust me when you see some one like him talking about "his sources" and at the same time making a huge stink about about a sponsor, there is a 100% chance he is running a negative advertising campaign and only saying what he is saying to A. rip you off B. get you to by some cheap ass liquid chem bullshit worthless product.

3.Last, fuck this deleting threads shit cuz people get fucked by a sponsor that some shady shit in my opinion. Like elitefitness is the KGB. Dont delete the thread delete the sponsor. Dont be afraid to bite that hand that feeds you, cuz its also the hand thats fucking you members over. So which is more important? Hmmmm.

Im done sorry this thread will probably not only get locked but deleted with the rant I just did according to some.

1. You do not make the rules nor do you tell me,the mods, or admin how to run the site. You my friend have used your last chance on this forum.

2. Thousands of members a month get there products from this sponsor. THOUSANDS!!!!! and about 10-20 tops have order problems and end up having to wait. Is it a perfect system? NO its fair from it. But no one and I mean no one gets ripped off. And its mostly because of jerks like you that threads do get deleted. If some one has a real problem what is the number 1 important thing to that person? I would think getting the problem solved correct? OK then I think any and everyone can agree on that. So what is going to solve that persons problem? Is making a thread like this dumb one you have just made going to solve it? Nope!!! but sending a pm to one of the sponsors board reps, a admin and or my self will solve the problem now wont it? Yes it will and yes it always always always has. SOOOOOO wtf is the point of a worthless thread like the one you have made? Ya no point at all other then to help you peddle your shitty sources products. People like you dont make threads like this because they want a problem solved. They do it because they want to make a problem. A problem for a good paying sponsor and then try and use that problem they created to help them make a buck for them self. TO bad so said you got caught.


Now some closing words.

8 or 9 out of your 10 order with rxhealth will go smoothly. However when that dreaded time comes that something happens to your order it is going to suck. It is going to take a 10 day wait time and double or even triple it. Shit it may even take longer then that. If that dreaded event happens to you it will take longer then you would like for them to get back to you. Its not going to be a in and out experience. Its not going to be bugerking. You will not walk up to the counter and get a new order right away.

This is nothing new. We all know it and for anyone who does not know this I am telling you now. When you order from rxhealth there is some goods and then there is a bad.

Most likely the odds are you will get your order in a timely manner. About a 90% or more chance of it. There is also a 100% chance that no matter what happens you will get your order or a refund. Rxhealth also has the cheapest prices in the world. On top of the cheap prices they give the ef members another 20% off that. The thing I like best about it. I know what I get from them is real. I also know its not under dosed crap. I know it comes in pill form and can sit for years with out losing its effectiveness

So a recap of the good

1. cheapest prices ever+20% discount
2. real products that I don't have to worry about
3. Always know I am going to get my shit sooner or later or a refund.
4. Always have people on the forums making sure you are taken care of
5. can make bulk orders for dirt cheap in advance for years worth of cycles.
6. did I say cheapest damn price in the world for damn good products?????

And a recap of the teh suck parts.

1. It takes at least 10 days
2. chance my order gets fucked and I have to wait a pretty long time
3. not going to have some one ready to email me back right away but I know I dont have to hyperventilate over it because ya it takes to damn long for my liking but it will get taken care of.
4. Any time there is a problem its not because rxhealth wanted to rip me off or don't care about me. Its because the government
hates me, hates what I am doing, and wants to fuck me in the ass for it. Not

SO We all know EXACTLY what we are getting into when ordering with RXHEALTH now correct? There is now nothing that is not known to everyone!!!! If your order gets fucked by YKH then expect to wait and expect for it to suck and no go as fast as you would like.

Order your products accordingly. Do not be the dumb ass who waits to the end to order this stuff. Always keep extra on hand anyway. Stay safe,stay happy, and if you have any problems pming me is a option for the people who respect the fact that I will go out of my way to help people when I don't have to. THANKS
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People should really thank Needto! The fact that he is willing to go out of his way and take his time to help us out is above and beyond what his position of being a mod requires. He has always gotten back to me anytime I have ever pmd the man. I just want to say thank you buddy.
People should really thank Needto! The fact that he is willing to go out of his way and take his time to help us out is above and beyond what his position of being a mod requires. He has always gotten back to me anytime I have ever pmd the man. I just want to say thank you buddy.

yup. he has helped me plan an amazing PCT, with his products and advice. this site is a godsend
People should really thank Needto! The fact that he is willing to go out of his way and take his time to help us out is above and beyond what his position of being a mod requires. He has always gotten back to me anytime I have ever pmd the man. I just want to say thank you buddy.

yep! what you said! i've only been on the forum for a year and made one rx order and have one on the way and think everything needtoo said is correct. everyone stop and think about what you're ordering, nuff said.
very nicely put. you can have great service to 100 individuals over a thousand times and nothing is said. But have one indivual with one bad experience and he tells the world.
Yes, everyone should thank him, we check in and check out and he is here regardless putting his life into this; mostly what he gets are whinney complaints. Who the hell wants that? Not me! Thanks Needto!
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