Yea i did 8 reps for that. I never did them consistently so Im not sure. I always just did military bb press and db military consistently. I do like front raises, I dont care about lateral raises.
For arms I just hit 1 heavy set to failre each exercise from 4-8 reps. If I can do something for 8 on my last set it is too light. So ill go up in weight. For instance right now on bb curl im at a strict 135x4. IM gonne keep doing it until I get 5, but I might play around with my sets before.
I have always thought of how I am very fast twitch. I get pumps from doing warmup sets. I dont need a lot of sets to grow. I would know by now if I needed more sets and volume, but obviously I dont need it. So I dont do much. I dont believe you need to beat the fuck out of your muscles to get them to grow. You just have to stimulate them. So when I go in I make sure I am always doing the right exercises that hit my muscles hard, but with low volume. Thats why the 5x5 is so appealing.