SoKlueles said:
well its not the period that grosses me out, its the cup that kind of reminds me of a dixie cup that people keep in their bathrooms to drink out of
ok mm, if u do it, let me know how u like it, and if its a good report, i will try it just because i trust what you say. I suppose we are all used to pads and tampons and the idea of a cup in the vagina(especially those like me who dont use diaphrams(sp))
Well, I can sort of vaguely understand where you're coming from, but I don't keep any sort of cups in my bathroom so

I actually keep a jug of bottled water in my bedroom for refreshment.
I don't use a diaphram either, hubby's been snipped, but I was fitted for one and had one decades ago (I can't do the pill, the hormones screwed me up badly).
I'm game, I'll give a report. It might be an issue for me, because I do have a tilted uterus and that's the one case where sometimes they don't fit right apparently. But really, I don't see it as a whole lot different from tampons.
vixensghost said:
MM....Yikes, we hit a nerve? Sorry.
My "man" is not disgusted by it in the least. Typically only "boys" are grossed out.
However, I'd sure love to have him put up with the monthly process just once.
Oh, no, not a nerve it's just our culture, in general, and women in particular have been conditioned to perceive their menstruation as gross/nasty/dirty and that's so terribly wrong. It's just a cycle, like anything else, part of life and living.
smbdybldr said:
thats gross to me and I bet its uncomftrobale.. I prefer good old pads
I don't get that, seriously. I don't understand the gross factor, blood is blood, whether it's sitting in a cup or soaked up in cotton it's all the same.
If you're talking uncomfortable OMG, pads are horrible, like having a wadded up towel in your underwear, I hated them from day one, the worlds most uncomfortable thing, ever, and what a mess overnight. The cup will feel like a tampon, which you don't feel at all if they're inserted properly.
They've been around since the 1930s so they can't be totally loopy. Hell, they've got a Wikipedia listing!!!
Anyway, it's like anything else, we all have our preferences. I've never tried it, but I'm game. Hell, worst comes to worst, doesn't work, nothing ventured, nothing gained. If it does work it'll have paid for itself before September. Plus it sounds like if it does work out it makes your life 100% easier. I remember hearing about them years ago but I had totally forgotten so I'm glad SoKlu brought it up.