As I am a very big advocate of working out heavy, it came as a shock to me that this excersize blew my tris up so much. The movement I am reffering to is the ONE ARM PUSHDOWN w/ the stirrup handle. The way it is executed is to stand at a tri pushdown machine and grasp the stirrup handle. With your opposing arm reach over and hold the upper arm doing the movement as close to your body as possible. Just like a regular pushdown bring the handle to about nipple level and then pushdown squeezing hard at the bottom. Do this as your second or third tricep excersize so that the muscle is somewhat preexhausted. I could not believe how pumped my tris were after doing these. In fact in the 12 years I have been training this movement, at least for me will become a staple in my arm workouts. Here is my current tri program:
-Close grip bench sets(4) reps(10)(10)(8)(6)
-skull crushers sets (3) reps(10)(10)(8)
-one arm pushdowns sets(3) reps (12)(12)(12)
-Either Rope pushdowns or one arm behind the neck extensions (3) reps (10)(8)(8)
I increase weight on the 2nd and 3rd set and do a drop set on my last set of each excersize.
Also I do wieghted dips on chest day, so essentially I hit tris twice per week. LOL
[This message has been edited by punch (edited April 12, 2001).]
-Close grip bench sets(4) reps(10)(10)(8)(6)
-skull crushers sets (3) reps(10)(10)(8)
-one arm pushdowns sets(3) reps (12)(12)(12)
-Either Rope pushdowns or one arm behind the neck extensions (3) reps (10)(8)(8)
I increase weight on the 2nd and 3rd set and do a drop set on my last set of each excersize.
Also I do wieghted dips on chest day, so essentially I hit tris twice per week. LOL
[This message has been edited by punch (edited April 12, 2001).]