My experience with Testim has been very positive. I never used the product on myself, but seen its use and results on plenty of others. Everyone I have put on 2 tubes per day has had their test go up significantly, all greater than 1200.
Yes, it stinks, but that stink is a chemical in the solution that increases its absorption. It is absorbed approximately 30% greater than Androgel. There are numerous clinical studies showing this. It is a more effective product than Androgel, period, end of story. I am not an employee of the company who makes Testim or given anything by them, but they have the most effective topical test product and I certainly recommend it.
Yes, it stinks, but that stink is a chemical in the solution that increases its absorption. It is absorbed approximately 30% greater than Androgel. There are numerous clinical studies showing this. It is a more effective product than Androgel, period, end of story. I am not an employee of the company who makes Testim or given anything by them, but they have the most effective topical test product and I certainly recommend it.