I did some stupid stuff and my balls shrank. How do I restore them fully? What type of PCT program should I run? I took proviron for a couple of weeks, to see if it would help with my depression and fatigue symptoms (not to build muscle). For the majority of the time I took about 50mg if I remember correctly, but I also experimented with higher doses, in one study they used 150mg without any issues so I tried that as well. I had read that it didn't affect the HPA axis, or not much at all, and I had read good personal experiences, but after going off it I noticed my balls had maybe shrank by 30-35%. I didn't worry too much about it, I thought they would restore if I just gave it some time. 3 months have passed and there isn't much differnce. My current testosterone levels are right below 300ng/dl. I had low test before I took it as well, I thought this could have something to do with my health problems so thats why I tried Proviron in the first place. So I don't think I have much lower testosterone levels now than before, and I'm not more symptomatic now than before, my big worry right now is testicular size.
Anyways what do I do now? HCG and if so what dose? Clomid? Nolvadex? How should I schedule this stuff? Is it too late to take HCG, should I directly move on to Nolvadex? What do I need to take HCG? Needles, sterilizd water, what else? Is there any guide on how to take HCG?
Please help me, I really need your help.