Man this lethargy for the tren is making me consider deca over tren on this bulk cycle just to give my body a break from the tren it feels like my test is shot down like crazy. I mean my sex drive is fine but this being lethargic threw out the day sucks. I seriously feel like I can sleep all day if I wanted to. I don't know if it's the time change, I'm not getting enough sleep, the tren, or all three lol. How do you think a test deca eq cycle would be for mass. Maybe kickstart with some drol and finish with some tren ace at the end so it would look like this
Drol 75-100mg ED weeks 1-5
Test 750-800 for 20weeks
Eq 600-900 for 20 weeks
Deca 500 for 15weeks
Tren ace 500-600mg weeks 10-20
Buddy of mine is on a test/deca/EQ cycle and absolutely loving it. Putting mass on and staying lean. He's about to add winny in for the last 6.