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Test Propionate or Cypionate?

i prefer prop due to the fact that i dont get bloated as much even with adex. i just hate the ed injects and the pain i have at the inject site that last 2 days :p
Prop requires frequent injections and is better IMO b/c you keep your blood levels more stable by the frequent injections. Fluctuating blood levels are what really cause the extreme side effects. I love short esters because of this fact.

Some people will sit here and argue with you that Enanthate is better than Cypionate and blah blah blah blah.. Test is test, no doubt, I believe that we all react differently to AAS and with all the UGlabs out there we can never be sure exactly how accurately dosed the oils are so, we have biased opinions towards certain testosterone esters. As long as you run an AI and inject frequently to keep blood levels stable, you will see, for yourself, that it is all equal.

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