So I'm soliciting advice and I ask that no one put me down if this may come across as a dumb post. Anyway I was prescribed test e by my doctor for low t. The dose prescribed is ridiculously low... 200mg once a month. I know right. Anyway I figured if I used too much more I would have trouble refilling my prescription. So a body builder friend of mine suggested I pin 100mg a week and stack it with a prohormone. I have 7 days left of Savage (@ 3 doses a day) that I previously took and would continue the cycle with Xtreme Triple Stack once the Savage runs out. I am just wondering if this sounds like a good stack? Also what would be best to take with this to control estrogen, liver damage and water retention. I am looking to shred along with putting on size. Any POSITIVE guidance would be greatly appreciated. My diet is on point as well as my workout regimen. Thanks in advance!