Going for a bulk cycle next month was looking to do a dbol, npp, and test
Heard many different opinions on which test to run and at what doses.
At what dose would you recommend running (Test E or P)
was planning on running dbol 30mg for 1-5/6 weeks
and npp @ 300-400mg weeks 1-8
If is it your first cycle then go for test E.. The cycle should be 8 to 10 weeks with sold pct ...
I did test E cycle in 2008 with deca and dbol and seen great results .. In just 2 and a half month i gained 30 pounds after pct i kept 25 pounds make sure your diet is solid ... Anyway
Gud luck
I'm asian pro bodybuilder 5'8 real name "mohammad imran qureshi"... Googlie it !! Anyway
Favorite workout chest and shoulder.. I won the title of MR Pakistan in 2010..!!
Basically i love bodybuilding since teenage.. So therefore i creat this forum for more knowledge about it...I don't know english very well so kindly ignor my poor english words or try to understand them thanks