New member
Now I see why bodybuilders deny it. It's the sort of information that absolutely should never, ever be shared with the public. You will get demonised and destroyed for it. You only tell others who have done it that you're on gear. For the love of god, do not tell anyone else.
I told someone today that I had tried gear - Halodrol - a prohormone. He has since gone quiet on me, and immediately judged me. Possibly going to tell others, and blow things out of proportion. He wanted to know, so I told him. Seems he didn't take it too well. My explanation was that I got far with my physique, and wanted to take things to the next level. I explained I'd reached my natural limit (around 185 at 5'9 and 8%) which is why I opted to try something out.
The fault was mine, it was because I actually did more than just tell him I used gear. I told him in fairly great detail, how gear works, etc and that I'd done a ton of research on it as well as prohormones before making the decision. Similarly to how we'd interact here on the forums.
He'd begun judging me well before I got that far of course.
He's a natty, and like most natties, they simply find gear usage on any level abhorent. As someone who has always been open to it and known about the extent to which it's being used, I didn't think there would be this much of an issue. But I guess you live and learn.
The basic principles are still very much in effect. Hard training, consistent diet - calorie surplus when bulking, calorie defict when cutting.
Why is it that people, especially people who are in the know about the fitness industry - are still so damn upset over knowing about gear? Why?
My advice to everyone: Just don't tell anyone about your usage. Ever. It's a lot worse if you actually look good as well. This is the one secret I can see why bodybuilders want to take to the grave with them. As soon as you admit it, you literally turn into a demon. There is nothing good that will ever come out of admitting it to anyone. I now see why I instinctively kept it to myself all these years (all the knowledge I had amassed from researching gear). This is the result of confiding in someone. There was nothing good that could have come of it so I shouldn't be so surprised really, but it does upset and bother me that someone now knows. And no amount of explaining how hard you need to work anyway on gear and all the stuff we all know is true will ever convince them that you're a disgusting steroid cheat. :/ Everytime they see your physique, it will be "all steroids" or a "steroid physique".
Some may have different experiences of telling others, but this is mine. Doesn't help that I am quite ripped either, as I used it for a cutting cycle. I naturally have low body fat, but it was more of a recomp more than anything. I can imagine to people it's "written all over me" as I've heard that term used before.
Any similar stories?
PS: Also makes it super awkward training in the gym after that. :/
I told someone today that I had tried gear - Halodrol - a prohormone. He has since gone quiet on me, and immediately judged me. Possibly going to tell others, and blow things out of proportion. He wanted to know, so I told him. Seems he didn't take it too well. My explanation was that I got far with my physique, and wanted to take things to the next level. I explained I'd reached my natural limit (around 185 at 5'9 and 8%) which is why I opted to try something out.
The fault was mine, it was because I actually did more than just tell him I used gear. I told him in fairly great detail, how gear works, etc and that I'd done a ton of research on it as well as prohormones before making the decision. Similarly to how we'd interact here on the forums.
He'd begun judging me well before I got that far of course.
He's a natty, and like most natties, they simply find gear usage on any level abhorent. As someone who has always been open to it and known about the extent to which it's being used, I didn't think there would be this much of an issue. But I guess you live and learn.
The basic principles are still very much in effect. Hard training, consistent diet - calorie surplus when bulking, calorie defict when cutting.
Why is it that people, especially people who are in the know about the fitness industry - are still so damn upset over knowing about gear? Why?
My advice to everyone: Just don't tell anyone about your usage. Ever. It's a lot worse if you actually look good as well. This is the one secret I can see why bodybuilders want to take to the grave with them. As soon as you admit it, you literally turn into a demon. There is nothing good that will ever come out of admitting it to anyone. I now see why I instinctively kept it to myself all these years (all the knowledge I had amassed from researching gear). This is the result of confiding in someone. There was nothing good that could have come of it so I shouldn't be so surprised really, but it does upset and bother me that someone now knows. And no amount of explaining how hard you need to work anyway on gear and all the stuff we all know is true will ever convince them that you're a disgusting steroid cheat. :/ Everytime they see your physique, it will be "all steroids" or a "steroid physique".
Some may have different experiences of telling others, but this is mine. Doesn't help that I am quite ripped either, as I used it for a cutting cycle. I naturally have low body fat, but it was more of a recomp more than anything. I can imagine to people it's "written all over me" as I've heard that term used before.
Any similar stories?
PS: Also makes it super awkward training in the gym after that. :/
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