I understand your moral rant, and it is a common one. However I did not set the morality (or immorality as it were) of AAS in sports, and I provide these thoughts as just that. And it's not just about AAS. In many tested sports they also ask about/test for other comonly used (and effective) drugs such as ephedrine.
The potential of both Prozac and/ot tamoxifen to basically act as anorectics/thermogenics during a diet should also not be discounted. They act completely differently from ox. Ox is an anabolic/anticatabolic agent. I have not heard that it makes it any easier to stick to a pre-contest diet, which is the basic application I'm suggesting here. From my perspective they should be synergistic. Admittedly it does cause a change in bodyfat distribution that I think is much more beneficial than tamoxifen (which I've already pointed out is not gonna specifiaclly target thigh and butt fat like ox will).
And talking about the morality of polypharmacy on an anabolic discussion board is comical IMHO. Not because I think people NEED to take lots of drugs to achieve a good bod, but because I recognize that people already do take lots of drugs, and will continue to do so. Providing info to make it as safe and succesful as possible is just good practice. For the record, I think the vast majority of drugs currently available for prescription (so-called morally acceptable) don't do anything that a person with some nouse of diet, exercise and knowledge of their own body couldn't do without the drugs. The pharmaceutical industry is truly immoral.
Anyway, 1 in 5 Americans adults has already taken a course of Prozac at least once, and the number of people expected to take anti-depressants is going to soar over the next 10 years. THIS IS IMMORAL prescribing practice. As an antidepressant it only works for 30-40% of people anyway, and there are dozens of lifestyle changes/pychotherapy approaches which are no longer being used to treat and prevent recurrent episodes of depression. Just give them a pill......Prozac has also been approved for treatment of PMS, binge eating disorder, SAD, and similar drugs with neurological targets (such as silbutramine and busiprion) are already used to treat obesity. A precontest diet using no more than 3 months of these drugs is not extreme, especially if you compete infrequently. I don't think I can say much more on the potential benefits versus side effects of this drug combo until me and some other women have tried it. I think the benefits versus sides of completing a contest diet is pretty appalling. If you look at it that way, there really is no good reason to compete. 3-4 months of suffering, screwing up your hormones and brain chemistry from diet alone, all for a few seconds on stage is really stupid. The tamoxifen/Prozac are really just attempts to negate some of the hormonal/neurological suffering of people that choose this path. I guess I see a contest diet as a pathological condition which can be ameliorated with judicious drug therapy!
And men with normal free T levels also get depression, though less frequently than females. I hardly consider androgens alone to be a first course of treatment in depression in otherwise hormonally healthy adults, though that is really OT.
Anyway, someone else's turn for a rant.