Yes, it can be done correctly, but what percentage of users have done it correctly? you keep recycling the same pictures of some 10 people who have ever succeeeded at doing this correctly...and you can tell with all of them that the peaks are unnatural...
Also, I've had friends who did it and it looks horrible...they were pretty informed and did it carefully and pinned deep, etc...followed of them swore to me that when it got really hot her could almost feel like biceps moved lower because of the heat and the oil in his arm shifting...mind you in was really a hot summer
either way, when there's so much doubt and so easy to fuck up, why risk it? why go through so much pain and doubt to do something you could eventually do with patience, hard work, diet and supplementation.
talking about the fascia / skin being stretched so much that there is no room for growth? many bodybuilders in your gym have arms so big they cant grow without synthol anymore??