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superqt4u2nv said:Thank you everyone and special thanks to you Sassy. I really need this right now. Been very down on my self all day. Long story short next time around I got to come in a lot leaner. I kinda expected that as my abs just started showing this week but it was not a full ripped 6 pack. The girls that placed top 3 deserved it with out a doubt in my mind. I don't know where I stood out of the 7 in my class as they only gave top 3 guessing 5th or so. I didn't stick around for feed back from the judges. I will be honest I was far to disappointed in myself. Spent the better part of a 4 hour drive home runnning the past 6 months of dieting and training thru my head trying to figure out where. I went wrong and the honest fact is that if I had 4-8 more weeks I am sure I could have come in top 3. Live and learn all the girls were super nice I got great advice and tips backstage. I did get some feed back from a pro I know that was at the show basically said I have all the muscle I need just got to dial things in for the next go around. More then likely going to contact her for diet advice. Also said my posing and walk all were down and not something I need to worry about for the next go around. So I got big old cheat day planned for tomorrow and then back on the wagon.
I saw your pics you posted on Friday and you looked great. Don't beat yourself up too much. Anyone that placed higher than you must have been real good.