Well for squat i would recomend using a wider stance than yoiu will see most people use. Between 40-50" depending on your hieght. this will help yoiu incorporate your hips into the movement better. Trying to sit back while squatting will help you put mre emphsis on the glutes and hams which are stronger squating muscles than quads. Movements to help strenghten your squat would be Goodmornings , Stiff leg deads , regular deads and squats themselves. As well as accesory work on glutes,hams, and hips like pullthroughs, glute ham raises, ect. I don't know if you want to train westside so i will leave movements which you would not be doing out.
Benching you will want to make sure that you are tucking yoiur elbows instead of flairing them out to the side. This will help you use more tricepts instead of shoulders and help prevent shoulder injuries. grip should be a comfortable grip for you to trian with. No wider than pinkys on the rings. Bring the bar down to your lower chest/upper abs and push straight up instead of back over your head. This will shorte the range of motion making the lift easier. Movments that help increase bench are tricept work( skull crushers DB/BB, JM press, Tate press and close grip bench) Lat work ( rows , Lat pulldowns, ect. anything in the same plain as bench). Benching ( close grip incline, illegally wide bench, floor press. and regular bench.) i did not mention board work. Shoulders would be just front side rear raises, especially rear , face ,uprighrt row.
I have not gotten into to much detail but sets and reps would be generally lower reps higher wieght for the main movements( 1-6) and would vary on the accesory work. I trian westside but there are other ways of trianing. Some do periadization routines, 3x3, and others but you will want to read up on some of these.
www.deepsquatter.com has the 3x3 in there archives area and
www.elitefts.com is westside training.
If you let us know what you wnat out of your training, Powerlifting, general strenght, ect. more can help.