Help! I soooo want to get a perfect RIPPED body but not to the competitor/body builder level...just nice cut arms and stomach. I have the ideal physique for my liking but I just want help getting "cut"/"solid" QUICK!
I weigh 138 an am 5'5...
What would be a good MILD steroid that I can try for just one cycle to help me get toned? I do work out daily...30-45 min cardio and some free weights for my arms.
I've been told that Winscrol is a good one to start with for someone like me, but I am afraid of the side affects!! I was told that I will not experience these side affects if only use the drug for 6wks.... Any futher info?
HELP Please!!
Hi Kimk!
As Needto have said, you don't need steroids. What you do need is a good diet or nutrition plan. That coupled with weight training and cardio WILL get you a toned body as you want. Steroids shouldn't even part of your vocabulary.
If post your meals, what you eat and drink through the day, I'll be able to guide you from there. Someone will come along and guide you with training.
I promise you, you'll get there if you want it bad enough.