posts # 5 and 6 hit the nail on the head.
for me I concentrate less on cycle for my job, now the older guys who are on HRT if they were to come off they would be screwed cause their test levels would drop, so the dose they are getting is just right.
on cycle I am thinking sex and throwing weights around 24/7, wanting to fight.. my gf even notices it and says all I care about is working out and sex on cycle or one gf said I turned into a cocky asshole on cycle... I also tend to cheat on my gf's on cycle due to overly horny and the feeling of being superior cause of my sexual performance being like superman... basically I feel like I want to breed with as many women as possible, makes sense as Africans evolved as polygamous cultures and the men developed higher testosterone vs. the hunter/gatherer cultures of europe and asia.
I'm much more balanced off cycle and happy.
also as an edit: i've used several types of test, deca, primo, tren, mast, dbol, drols.... with the same observations.
So I feel I am on page with what BLOKE said above.