The king of all forums, Elite Fitness, were kind enough to let Musclepay come hang out! We are very excited make new friends, learn, and hopefully teach! Musclepay is a unique one-of-a-kind opportunity to start a new business with little-to-no starting cash!
Building an online store costs money. What if you could skip over all of the mess and woes of developing a new company? Places like Amazon and Ebay allow you to start your own store within their network, giving you an established outlet to push products and to the correct demographics. This option has never existed for aspiring p h a r m a sellers…until now.
Musclepay will give you all of the tools needed to own and operate a p h a r m a store AT NO COST TO YOU!
Musclepay can help you open your own online store, fill it with content, products, images, descriptions, etc. That’s not even the best part! Musclepay will manage shipment and payment processing, and control customer service!
Commission plans start at 40% with the option for more!
For more details, check us out at
If you have any further questions, feel free to PM me for more details.
Bumping thread for visibility. Go see what Musclepay is about, if you haven't yet!