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Stallone charged with banned substance

rnch said:
so he's taking HGH...........big hairy assed deal.....many other geizers his age are taking 'roids for "wellness" reasons....i really doubt his fan base will condemn him all that much.

I agree, but most people don't associate GH with steroid use..

in the local news they have begun including GH with steroid us an abuse by High school students..
I think I read they were considering sending Slys car racing movie straight to DVD it was that bad.

You want to see a geizure in phenomenol shape, check out Vince Taylor at the Arnold Classic.
galaxy said:
I think I read they were considering sending Slys car racing movie straight to DVD it was that bad.

You want to see a geizure in phenomenol shape, check out Vince Taylor at the Arnold Classic.

"drug-free"-so put the crack up.................
gymratforlife said:
Guys like stalone give guys half his age like me something to look forward to when I get old if I stick to my training and gh use.

damn right he does..
when stallone was busted I heard he was thring stuff out a window of a plane and some stuff got seized they didnt say exactly what it was back then. I just assumed they found a copy of judge dread and was punishing stallone for ever making that film with jail time
MR. BMJ said:
$$$$$$ dictates all things. He will be off in no time.


Wouldnt matter who he was because GH is minor and can be bought in Aus with a script anyway. Its the fact that on the customs declaration he ticked "NO" to having and steroids/HGH thats got him in the shit. The maximum fine is $22,000 AU
GH sales going up anybody?
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