Sorry *HE* is having trouble holding on to the bar. I'm sure front squats would be a lot easier if the bar didn't have to be held.
Serea said:
Did squats today. Was going to try to do front squats but after the second rep the bar was sliding off my left shoulder. I was using the crossed-arms hold. I don't think I can do front squats since the bar nearly chokes me. Or else I need to work on it.
Did squats today. Was going to try to do front squats but after the second rep the bar was sliding off my left shoulder. I was using the crossed-arms hold. I don't think I can do front squats since the bar nearly chokes me. Or else I need to work on it. So I switched to regular, full squats.
230x1 PR on full squats though. Slowly on my way to 300.
Do front squats really differ that much compared to regular? Is there a lot more quad development?
I saw Steve Goggins bury 1036 (if I recall correctly) and smoke it out of the bottom at the WPO's last year. That was the most impressive squat I have ever seen.
I also have to put a word in for one of our friends. He won the USAPL's men's masters this past year. Months before at age 39, he squatted 903 at the WPO's.
And Serea, hang in there. You're well on your way to moving some heavy weight!
This is Jim, but she'll be on in a bit. I'll tell her to get to this post. Would have been cool to have seen you there. Are you headed to Atlanta this year?