Did squats today. Was going to try to do front squats but after the second rep the bar was sliding off my left shoulder. I was using the crossed-arms hold. I don't think I can do front squats since the bar nearly chokes me. Or else I need to work on it. So I switched to regular, full squats.
230x1 PR on full squats though. Slowly on my way to 300.
Do front squats really differ that much compared to regular? Is there a lot more quad development?
My posts always seem to get the swap. No idea why.
Thanks, Zander.
I started to lean forward on the 230. I really need to control that. No idea what I'd do if I kept going forward and couldn't stop. I have two sawhorses to catch it but not sure they would in that situation.
This is why we refer to goodmornings as "chaos recovery." If you can GM what you can squat, then you can control it from falling forward, or recover it if it starts to fall forward.