my diet is different daily, i dont eat tons of the same stuff like most people i see post their diets...but heres the average day type deal:
9 or 10am:
1 cup oatmeal
2 scoops pro-rated protein shake (56g) in 2 cups 2% milk w/flax
1-2 bananna or other fruits
can of tuna, on ritz crackers
2 cups milk
1:30: (post workout)
2 scoops pro-rated protein shake (56g) in 2 cups 1% milk
8-12 ounces chicken breast 99% lean
1 to 1 and 1/2 cups sweet potatoes w/brown sugar and almonds
3-4 slices of wheat bread toast w/peanut butter 2TBSP each
2 cups milk
Some type of meat, chicken, roast, fish, etc...
2 servings vegetables
2 cups 2% milk
toast w/ peanut butter, or sometimes butter just to get a diff taste, 2 cups milk
56g protein shake in 2% milk, or 2 cans tuna
i say that would be a typical type day...give or take some things for others, but pretty close.