Look, whether this guy can do what you say or NOT, you are in the wrong place looking for sponsors. The guys on this forum are either competitive powerlifters or people who aspire to be a competitive powerlifter. We all work for a living, and none of us make a Hell of a lot of money.
One thing that many of us share in common, is a knowledge of the iron game, and the shared experience of having seen or even done some amazing feats of strength. There is a well known member of this board who benches over 600 and squats over 800, who I know for a fact has eyewitnessed many 700 plus benches. We know strength. And we know what makes sense. We are not buying. If your guy ends up being the first man under 200 lbs to win the world's strongest man contest then I will be the first in line to kiss your ass, and say that I was wrong, but until then I am a bit skeptical.
Jay, I apologize, but I feel compelled to go further into this curl issue. Svend Karlson is the current world's strongest man. In a recent article in powermag, he talked about having done a cheat curl with I believe 330 lbs. Now this was done by a man we have all seen on TV, and whom is well known for being insanely strong. And guess what, that was less than a 110% bodyweight curl. Manfred Hoeberl, a 26 inch armed, 340+ lb freak, cheat curled about the same as what you are telling us this 176 lb guy can do. Manfred was so strong, that he could squeeze a can of coke till it burst. No freakin way a guy half his size is curling that. No way.
You want to shut me up, have this guy do some of these things in an actual powerlifting meet where we can verify the results, and I will gladly retract everything I have said.