k1401 said:
Hannibal and others........
Do you all rotate your weight plus bands? I've been keeping the weight constant. I've read both ways. What do you reccomend?
Yes...you rotate or "wave" the weight from week to week. The bands pretty much stay the same. Unless you do a specialty phase.
Regular Training Phase
(or Strength Speed):
Week 1: 47% (RG Band) 8 sets of 2
Week 2: 51% (RG Band) 8 sets of 2
Week 3: 53% (RG band) 8 sets of 2
* 4 to 6 reps over the three weeks must be above training percent. This is done in addition to the regular sets.
This phase should be the core of your training and can be waved one after another. For better results it would be best to mix in one of the Speed Strength Phases after every couple regular phases.
Speed Strength Phase A:
Week 1: 15% (SS Band) 5 sets of 2
Week 2: 20% (SS Band) 5 sets of 2
Week 3: 25% (ss band) 5 sets of 2
* 3-5 reps over the three weeks must be above training percent. This is done in addition to.
This is a great phase for those who have never been through a speed strength phase before. It has three week with the first one being an introduction week to get used to the higher band tension. You will also notice the number of sets has been reduced because of the high physical demand on the body. After one or two times through this phase you will never need to use it again because of the body adaptation process. Once the body has learned to adapt to the band tension with the three-week phase it is best to stick with phase B or C. This and all other speed strength phases should be followed by a strength speed (regular band phase). This is because the speed strength phase will cause the barbell to move very slowly. You must always follow a slow phase with a fast phase. As a final note makes sure the bands are very tight in the bottom position.
Speed Strength Phase B:
Week 1: 20% (SS Band) 5 sets of 2
Week 2: 25% (SS Band) 3-5 sets of 2, after sets work up to 1rm
This is the same phase as A except we have taken out the first week. The other noticeable difference is one week two. After completing 3 to 5 sets you will want to start increasing the weight until you get to a one-rep max. By the time you get to the last set (you max) you will feel like your head is going to pop off.
Speed Strength Phase C:
Week 1: 25% (SS Band plus more?) 2-3 sets of 2 then work up to a 1rm
This phase is designed for those who have much experience with the bands. Basically you want to pile on as much band as you can handle and start working up to 25% for a few sets of 2 then head up to a 1 rep max. This phase is not for the weak at heart or courage.
Circa-maximal Phase
Week 1: 47% (CM Band) 5 sets of 2
Week 2: 51% (CM Band) 5 sets of 2
Week 3: 53% (CM Band) 5 sets of 2
Week 4: 47% (CM Band) 5 sets of 2
*3-5 reps over the three weeks must be above training percent. This is done in addition to.
This phase is designed for pre contest or pre max training. This phase with the following de-loading phase has been responsible for more personal records being crushed by a huge margin than any other training phase I have seen including 10 900lb squat I personally know of.
De-load Phase:
Week 1: 53% (RG Band)5 sets of 2
Week 2: 47% (RG Band)5 sets of 2
Week 3: Meet or Test Date
This de-loading phase is designed to bring the speed back into the training before the max or competition. This phase is a must after the circa-maximal phase. Some have done very well with a two-week de-load while other only like to do one week. If you choice for a one week de-load then drop the first week of the phase.
Recommended Bands for Squat Training Phases:
Rg Band: Pink
SS Band: Blue
Cm Band: Green
Rg Band: Green
SS Band: Blue Green
CM Band: Blue Pink
RG Band: Blue
SS Band: Blue Blue Green
CM Band: Blue Green