Been stuck at #170 for 4.5 week's . Since starting Spatt's cutting diet 3/20 have dropped #3!!! Also increased water intake to 1.5gal/day from 1gal. Thank you Spatt's
Down 2.5 more pound's this Am. Even though it's mostly H2O it's still a pych. boost I didn't do this well on keto diet, and on that my work-out's were lame! Feeling great on Spatt's diet, don't feel deprived sp and not missing bread,cracker's and all the other high carb. crap I used to think I had to have
Scarlett, that's so nice to hear. I was 179 this morning, so I'm loving it too...and strength is up.
JLo, I will post a rough idea of it here, I don't do it exactly like this anymore, since I don't train in the AM, and I don't use the creatine or glutamine anymore...the food choices, frequency, ratios, etc...are all the same though:
You would have to alter the times by when you train, and cycle the carbs 3 days low (.5g/kg body weight) and 2 days high (2.0g/kg body weight), or high on training days and low on non training days. The diet in the link represents the 100g CHO median.
1Kg = 2.2046 lbs
This time around, I've been eating a little less fat on the higher carb days and a little more on the low carb days (30-40 on high carb, 40-50 on low carb). This seems to be working just as well, and I can eat a wider variety of meats on low carbs days. Likewise, it forces better carb choices on high carb days, since most of the foods I want that are high carb and low fat are things like oats, sweet taters, rice, etc...
Oh...and I'm also using R-ala on an as needed basis on high carb days, when the meal is more on the high GI side. That's not very often for me, but you might get more use from it than I do.
LOve this diet!!! Did carb up day on friday and even though I made really bad carb selection's{ fried catfish, hushpuppies french fries and coke} am still down this am, to 164.5. I did go on a 10 mile hike Sat. so that had to help some I think I'll start keeping a journal in the journal area ,that way if I quit which I won't , it'll be embarrassing