You haven't seen me in my lime-green polyester suit, platform shoes and wide-brimmed leather hat with peacock feathers either. A far as gold goes, Fort Knox ain't got nothing on me. Now if I could just find my ho's... Must be eating ho cake somewhere...
Now, you all have proof of the skinny little fuck I was in my younger years. If I can do it then anyone can. There's nothing like a fine stable of ho's to support a steroid addicted powerlifter.
Sin begets sin, as they say. If pimpin' and pumpin' is bad, I don't want to be good!
I am so glad that you (spatts), hannibal, and project are all going to be coming this weekend!!!! I look forward to seeing each and every one of you!!! Who likes to party??? We like to party!!! ....oh, and train, of course!!!
Spatts...I have to get you prepared for TX...THAT is why we are staying Sat. night, also!