I thought you might get some good info from this link http://www.mercola.com/article/soy/ there's a lot of articles listed on the page that you can go through.
On a personal note, I used to use soy (about 10 years ago when I was a skinny vegetarian). There is so much conflicting information out there regarding the pro health benefits of the phytoestrogens of soy and the detrimental effects of soy. After reading all I could on it, I stopped using soy (only use fermented soy products once in while now) and stopped buying soymilk for my kids (use nut or rice milk now). As a side note, it's estimated that roughly 98% of the soy in N.America is genetically altered.
Besides, why would anyone ever want anything but the real natty pb? Mmmm....I hear my jar calling me now...
...There is so much conflicting information out there regarding the pro health benefits of the phytoestrogens of soy and the detrimental effects of soy. After reading all I could on it, I stopped using soy (only use fermented soy products once in while now) ...
Very true! So much marketing hype and misguided national agricultural policies have led companies to putting soy in just about every food product imaginable, because if people think something is "healthy", they'll buy and pay more for it. Most of the American poplulation is already experiencing estrogen overload, due to various environmental factors, hormonally-enhanced meats, and extra body fat, so most of us (especially if we're pre-menopause and have a regular menstrual cycle) really don't need any more estrogen.
If you take a look at the nutritional label on soyPB, its much higher in carbs as well, so if you are looking to separate your carbs & fats, it isn't a good substitute for PB. The only purpose for soyPB is an allergy to regular PB?