ok, this guy believes that pornography is evil. that's fine. that's his right. he can believe whatever he wants.
i'm going to say this honestly, and might catch some backlash for it, but oh well.
i think religion is evil. i have every right to say that and believe that. if you believe in religion, good for you! i will NOT try to change your beliefs or try to convince you otherwise. i hate religious arguements. what i believe in and what you believe in are two totally different things, and we are allowed to have our own opinions and beliefs.
however, if I lived in this town and decided that since i was getting dumped on for buying pornography or going to a strip club or whatever, and that i was going to fight back, i would be considered the most evil person on the face of the planet. if i went and started staging a protest against the church and denouncing all religion and stated all my opinions that religion was in and of itself wrong and morally incorrect, well, i'd prolly have my house burned to the ground with me in it.
what pisses me off the most about things like this is that i leave religion alone. i don't try to change anyone's views, i don't call religion stupid, i don't mock people that go to church or read the bible or pray. i don't care what your beliefs are. you are free to have them, and i won't say or do a damn thing to change it or alter it. it's called RESPECT, which is something that i think a lot of these people don't have for anyone else but themselves. when you tell me that I am wrong because i do not belong to your religion, you are therefore telling me that you are better than me and that you are looking down upon me. i won't tolerate that attitude from anyone. i'm not a child anymore and refuse to be treated like one.
and about the placement of porn stores and strip clubs...put them on the edge of town, that's fine with me. doesn't bother me one bit. i'd rather have it on the edge of town and out of the way so my children and other people's children don't go in there before they are of the legal age to. i really don't want my children to ask me "Daddy, what's that XXX store that's right next to Walmart and how come we never go in there?" there's a porn store maybe 10 miles from my house and it's right on the edge of town. perfect place for it. there's strip clubs in the area, but the nearest one is maybe 15 miles away and they are all out on the highway where there's no other businesses located.
and the porn store near me needs to get a better selection. they really don't have anything good in there and i'd have to drive 35 minutes to the next one to get anything decent