Besides, at the time the term was coined by Brit colonialists, what we now call the Middle-East was then referred to as Asia Minor. They are certainly to the west of India or China, so the terminology fits.
And I wasn't calling anyone anything. I was trying to express what the Aussies think.
Holy crap, Italians, Greeks, Turkish and Lebanese are all wogs! I promise I'm gonna start using that term more accurately now. My apologies to all I've previously called wogs and who are in no way, shape or form woglike.
Holy crap, Italians, Greeks, Turkish and Lebanese are all wogs! I promise I'm gonna start using that term more accurately now. My apologies to all I've previously called wogs and who are in no way, shape or form woglike.
as an Aussie, we only refer to Italians and occassionally Greeks as wogs.
regarding the lebbos (lebanese) from what I gather, groups (re: gangs), have made that area their turf for a few years now.The bashing of the lifeguard just pushed the Aussies over the edge.
The Aussie's have, & these particular Wogs wanna take, with their usual subtlety & charm, without actually having to work for something.
We see the same here in all ethnicities' lower classes. It's just in Aus. they are a more easily identifiable group.