So, my very good friend and training partner is doing some things that I know are wrong. She is 5'4", around 140lbs, 18%BF....she has been training for 6 years and really trains her as* off at the gym. I on the other hand have been weight lifting for only 6 months. We are both in the cutting stage right now and preparing for our contest. She recently told me that she has been cycling clen for quite some time.(I often wondered how she got that BF down so low with a poor diet).... I immediately asked her what else is she taking with it b.c I think that clen should be taken with taurine and potassium(correct me if I'm wrong). She refused to believe me and keeps saying that she is fine. The problem is that her diet is not 100% on track. She is eating things like slim-fast, protein bars, subway....raisins, peaches(canned),bread,jelly....while cutting? I may not be very experienced in body building, after all I just dicovered a love for weight lifting only 6 months ago. The point is that I research and LISTEN for advice, I am trying to get as educated as possible so that I can do this thing right for the rest of my life. I know that drugs should only be introduced with the most CAREFUL precision when you are ready. Her stats say that she is ready but I am worried about my friend ...at least in the long run. Her diet is lacking and clen by it self is not the best thing. I just dont know if I should give up or should I keep trying to help her. She is CONVINCED that clen has NO affects on your thyroid and your body in any negative way(although she has the -shakes- and bad cramping.....?....). I believe that in the long run it will catch up to her and her health will be jeapordized. Im just worried so Im curious about what you girls think I should do. Do I look the other way and keep my lips sealed or do I keep trying to help???
I dont know anymore...it just seems like there are too many young women who want that "miracle" drug----the easy way out. They dont research enough or do the other steps required to minimize sides.
I dont know anymore...it just seems like there are too many young women who want that "miracle" drug----the easy way out. They dont research enough or do the other steps required to minimize sides.