And you are entitled to that opinion 100%.
Whether I believe he is right or wrong is wholely irrelevant to this discussion. I dont conduct business with him. I am not personally involved with him. I dont have to sleep with him. So I dont rightly care either way.
That is all I am saying.
I dont judge. His behavior wasnt hurting anyone. She consented. So did he. They alone will bear the fruits or suffer the consequences of their behavior.
Here is another way to look at it.
I think that we would agree that pond scum is disgusting. And I also *think* we would be in agreement that to eat pondscum would be even MORE disgusting. But would that make the act by virtue of the fact that it was so disgusting immoral? Who would it hurt?
(Sorry, fucking college philosophy classes kind of fucked with my head. Goddamn me and my background!! LMFAO)