And I'm speechless. Just keep in mind that me being speechless is a rare moment. If I haven't spouted out a word in 2-minutes, my boyfriend has to look over and make sure my head isn't about to "pop".
Super B: What JJ said is correct! The Northwest is beautiful this time of the year. ALL that rain pays off in good ways! That contest will be so much fun. I really, seriously am hoping you can make it. And yes, I'm loving this training. And one of the big reasons is the event work. Sure beats doin' the typical bench, curls, etc.! Another reason the training is goin' so great is due to the people I'm training with. There is absolutely no way I'd be able to do what I've done without ANY of their support. Especially w/out the guidance of Tod and Julie.
Oh, and I've added to the gallery the covers of Wonder Woman #191 and #192. I'll be adding #194 shortly. Thanks again, all!