I recently 4 weeks ago ended a squat training cycle and the last few workouts i tried to hit a 1 rep max. BUt 1 week I would smoke what i thought was going to be a max, so the next week went up more. And even my last workout i didnt have any problem no stalling. But somehow after that i really inflamed my patella (bad) So i ended there and that is my new max for my percentages. MY kneee feels better but not that heavy yet. But Did heavy box squats last week with bands choked down and went heavy as hell and i was prepeared to fail, but did not. After a gut busting effort wear you know your done ,and your just happy you got it. That is the set i am maxing on. If i get it i do not go up. Before a bench meet i will usaully max in a shirt. BUt whats funny is I dont miss. I seem to know just how far i can push it. I failed on a board attempt last week. I was prepared to fail in a rack pull last night. But did not. When my strength is peaked and i must maintain my strength for a month or 2 ,back to back meets i will raw bench max out once every 4 weeks or so. And do occasionally fail. But my partners no if it stops moving grab it i do not struggle under a 1 rep max on bench. Its up and down and smooth. Dont be afraid to fail. Have help so you dont get hurt, but push it man! Fuck its powerlifting! Not all the time but when you get some experince you just know when its time, and you also know why you need to do it.