I advocate taking hi GI carbs during and after your workout to create an insulin response. I think this is particularly important when "bulking."
Here is a "typical" day of eating for me, I'm not bulking but maintaining. If I were bulking I would have two servings of oatmeal in my first meal instead of oatbran. Meal five would also be a fairly high carb meal 100g of complex carbs and I would shift the other meals up for a total of eigh meals.
Meal 1: 1 Cup Blueberries, 1/3 cup oatbran 1 Milk Isolate shake (52 g protein)
Meal 2: 1 apple 1 cup broccoli 1 MI shake 2 fish oil capsules
Meal 3: Workout meal 20g BCAA 40g dextrose sip during workout
Meal 4: Post workout, Kraft mac and cheese prepared with skim milk, no margarine or butter and MI shake. Sometimes I make pancakes, or spaghetti...
Meal 5: 1 cup broccoli, 1 cup spinach, 1 apple, MI shake 3 fish oil capsules 2 tbsp flax seeds.
Meal 6: 5oz Ground sirlon 2 eggs(vegetarian fed chickens) 3 whites
Meal 7: 1 cup broccoli, 1 cup spinach MI shake 6 fish oil capsules 1 borage oil capsule.
This is my physique now;