I think beauty pageants are stupid in general, extra stupid and anti educational for kids, and just plain stupid and immoral when involving any reference to sexuality.
if i was a harsh, consistent, wise dictator, id ban them
ijust can;t get over the fact that no-one lets kids be kids nowadays.....
seriously.....13-14 yr olds dress the same as women.....other than obvious pubertal differences its hard to tell them apart innterms of fashion and increasingly in what they are willing to do...
In Europe they have family beaches taht everyone is naked at including kids. They have "pagents" for these anked kids as well. Whats funny is why is this okay all over Europe and we hear of so few problems but so much of an issue in the states? curious of the difference as the europeans appear to have less hangups tahn americans along these line. personally i don't think child "pagents" should evne be done but not because of the obvisious but because it sends the wrong message to kids.