lifting 'heavy' doesn't just cause obvious damage like this.. it also will cause a lot of wear and tear on your cartilage and things like your discs along your spine
i used to lift super heavy for many years and i now have 3-4 herniated discs along with a torn rotator cuff. you don't need to lift heavy to get stronger or build muscle.. it is 100% ego and i wish i could go back in time and lift smarter which is why i preach on these forums for the younger guys especially to stop watching stupid youtube vids of people lifting like gorilla's and lift SMART
the deadlifters in the gym are the most notorious of all for ego lifting. their form is awful and they use cheats like belts, wraps, straps and chalk. they slam the weight down after a set and walk around the gym with their chests bumped out as if they accomplished something. it is not only un-impressive but it is also cringeworthy to witness that garbage.