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Scott Steiner

He was a first class asshole. He was known as "Russo's Boy" which more should have been "Eric's Boy" because they believed he was the future of WCW once the Old Guard had left. He did basically anything, anytime he wanted to. A complete asshole to everyone in the company. There was reports that when the first time he pulled that shit when Vince hired him, it was a classic moment. That Vince took him aside into a room just the two of them and in a few minutes, Scotty emerged looking visibly shaken up.
He was a first class asshole. He was known as "Russo's Boy" which more should have been "Eric's Boy" because they believed he was the future of WCW once the Old Guard had left. He did basically anything, anytime he wanted to. A complete asshole to everyone in the company. There was reports that when the first time he pulled that shit when Vince hired him, it was a classic moment. That Vince took him aside into a room just the two of them and in a few minutes, Scotty emerged looking visibly shaken up.

WOW, i did not know that. but then again i dont really care about scott steiner. mainly coz Angle would dismantle him.
AAP said:
He was a first class asshole. He was known as "Russo's Boy" which more should have been "Eric's Boy" because they believed he was the future of WCW once the Old Guard had left. He did basically anything, anytime he wanted to. A complete asshole to everyone in the company. There was reports that when the first time he pulled that shit when Vince hired him, it was a classic moment. That Vince took him aside into a room just the two of them and in a few minutes, Scotty emerged looking visibly shaken up.

It's not a surprise that he is an asshole nor is it a surprise that Vince punked his ass.
It's true, It's true....

People say that Scotty has "anger management issues" but that is not the case at all. It is nothing more than he acting crazy enough to make people scared to tell him no. When I lived in Atlanta I got friendly with a lot of the midcard wrestlers in WCW while I trained at Main Event. Kidman, Swinger, Disco Inferno (Glenn), etc.. and they used to tell me quite a few things about shit that went on backstage with a lot of the wrestlers. Scotty had a habit of coming backstage all pissed off after every single match he was in because he would either feel that A) the guy didn't sell for him hard enough B) the company wasn't pushing him hard enough or C) he didn't get to finish the match the way he wanted. he was just start destroying things. Tossing tv monitors and equipment against the wall, pushing over stage carts and the worst thing he did on quite a few occassions was go in the back and turn over the buffet table after his match. That kind of sucked when he had an early match and then dumped out all the food that was there for the other wrestlers.

When he got to the WWE his rep for being unruly and a pain in the ass reached there before he did. Vince put him in some dark matches (non televised) in house shows to see what kind of pop he got and what kind of ring shape he was in. Scotty worked with Bob Holly in one match and although Scotty won the match, the crowd just popped like crazy when Holly caught him with his dropkick. Holly has without a doubt the best dropkick in wrestling. The crowd loves it no matter who he hits with it. Scotty was pissed over that and after the match walked through the curtain, and grabbed the edge of it and yanked it down and then pushed one of the techies there that was setting up the pyros for the next wrestlers entrance. Vince saw that and walked right up to him while he was yelling and told him quietly "I need to speak to you right now." He took him off into a room on the side and people were wondering what would happen in there if Scotty went crazy like he did on the WCW staff. Few minutes went by and Scotty came out of there all meek and quiet. Went to shower and stayed around to do some work in the back which was unheard of from him as he used to do his match and then leave the arena. Vince came out of the room putting his jacket back on. From what was passed around, Vince took him in there and told him that everything he saw that day was his (Vince's) property. The shuttle that brought him to the arena. The food he ate. The ring he worked in. The opponent he worked with. And the guy he pushed all belonged to Vince as long as he was paying for it. And Vince did not kindly take to anyone abusing his property. he told Scotty if it ever happened again that he would find himself working every single house card they had and never getting air time. he would work dark matches and be buried under lesser talent.

Which is what must have happened as Scotts career fizzled out in WWE so fast it wasn't funny. Vince must have lived up to his threats.
AAP said:
It's true, It's true....

People say that Scotty has "anger management issues" but that is not the case at all. It is nothing more than he acting crazy enough to make people scared to tell him no. When I lived in Atlanta I got friendly with a lot of the midcard wrestlers in WCW while I trained at Main Event. Kidman, Swinger, Disco Inferno (Glenn), etc.. and they used to tell me quite a few things about shit that went on backstage with a lot of the wrestlers. Scotty had a habit of coming backstage all pissed off after every single match he was in because he would either feel that A) the guy didn't sell for him hard enough B) the company wasn't pushing him hard enough or C) he didn't get to finish the match the way he wanted. he was just start destroying things. Tossing tv monitors and equipment against the wall, pushing over stage carts and the worst thing he did on quite a few occassions was go in the back and turn over the buffet table after his match. That kind of sucked when he had an early match and then dumped out all the food that was there for the other wrestlers.

When he got to the WWE his rep for being unruly and a pain in the ass reached there before he did. Vince put him in some dark matches (non televised) in house shows to see what kind of pop he got and what kind of ring shape he was in. Scotty worked with Bob Holly in one match and although Scotty won the match, the crowd just popped like crazy when Holly caught him with his dropkick. Holly has without a doubt the best dropkick in wrestling. The crowd loves it no matter who he hits with it. Scotty was pissed over that and after the match walked through the curtain, and grabbed the edge of it and yanked it down and then pushed one of the techies there that was setting up the pyros for the next wrestlers entrance. Vince saw that and walked right up to him while he was yelling and told him quietly "I need to speak to you right now." He took him off into a room on the side and people were wondering what would happen in there if Scotty went crazy like he did on the WCW staff. Few minutes went by and Scotty came out of there all meek and quiet. Went to shower and stayed around to do some work in the back which was unheard of from him as he used to do his match and then leave the arena. Vince came out of the room putting his jacket back on. From what was passed around, Vince took him in there and told him that everything he saw that day was his (Vince's) property. The shuttle that brought him to the arena. The food he ate. The ring he worked in. The opponent he worked with. And the guy he pushed all belonged to Vince as long as he was paying for it. And Vince did not kindly take to anyone abusing his property. he told Scotty if it ever happened again that he would find himself working every single house card they had and never getting air time. he would work dark matches and be buried under lesser talent.

Which is what must have happened as Scotts career fizzled out in WWE so fast it wasn't funny. Vince must have lived up to his threats.

He was jacked as hell but a bad wrestler so it's no surprise they let go quitley into the night.
heres a pretty recent interview off his website

Big Poppa Pump - Scott Steiner

Interview by
UCW Senior Correspondent
Steven Goforth

Steven: Scott, first of all, it's a pleasure to conduct this interview with you today. When I found out you were now involved with UCW, I was very excited and anxious to see how you will help elevate this great independent federation along with the other great talents involved. How do you feel about being involved with UCW?

Steiner: Well MARCUS BAGWELL, called me and told me about the UCW and how they have a great vision of bringing back the WCW style and a vision to run top quality events. I had been recovering from foot surgery, where they had to place 6 screws in my foot. This looked liked the best place to start and make my comeback. It was really good timing, because 6 months ago I would have not been able to perform at 100%.

Steven: I must say that I was very disappointed with the way WWE used you during your recent time there. How did you feel about your time spent in the WWE?

Steiner: I wasn't very happy either. I had heard rumors that the only reason they brought me in was to work Triple H. But they signed me for 3 years so I got paid regardless, so who looks stupid, not me. It is there fault they didn't use me correctly. They never used or had good spots for any of the WCW guys. GOLDBERG didn't get used like he should have either. Vince never won over or got the WCW fan base.

Steven: Why did WWE choose not to be more creative with your character and let you be involved in storylines with more wrestlers?

Steiner: When you go up there, they make you into a robot, they even wrote my interviews, and that never happened in WCW. The same four people wrote everything for all the guys, so no one has very much personality that's different. But I don't think anyone on WWE now has much character.

Steven: I know your brother Rick is involved with UCW to a certain extent. Has their been any discussions about the two of you teaming up again?

Steiner: No, there has not been any discussion. I am looking to my comeback as a singles competitor, but you never know what the future holds.

Steven: Looking back at your great career so far, is there anything you would do any differently or are you pretty satisfied with the way things have gone up to this point?

Steiner: I wish WCW would have never folded. I gave them all I had.

Steven: What person or persons have influenced you most in the wrestling business?

Steiner: I really didn't watch wrestling as a kid, so I can't say any one person influenced me.

Steven: Has there been any wrestler that you have worked with in the past that you did not like working with?

Steiner: In the ring I put all personal feelings aside and I am about business. I try to make the best out of each match.

Steven: Whom did you enjoy working with the most?

Steiner: I have worked with so many, I can't pick just one.

Steven: When you compare your run in the "WWF" with your brother Rick earlier in your career and your run with "WWE" just recently, did you notice any significant difference in the way the organization was run during the different time periods?

Steiner: It was the same. Vince calls all the shots, period!

Steven: During your time spent in WCW, did you ever foresee the organization folding the way it did?

Steiner: There were rumors in 1993-1994 that TED TURNER wanted to sell, but they were false. TED loved wrestling, but after he sold out his shares, the way it went down was ridiculous. They had Bozo's running it all, in the end it was a lot of BULLSHIT.

Steven: Going back to UCW again, do you feel this organization has the ability to make a big impact and rule the Independent wrestling scene?

Steiner: UCW's success depends on a major TV deal, using that to help bring the crowds in to the house shows and live events. We need a TV deal to elevate the brand and UCW as a company.

Steven: Do you have your eyes set on the UCW Heavyweight Championship?

Steiner: I want to get back into the ring, and see how my foot holds up. Once I get in there I know those competitive juices will start flowing and I'll be champion again.

Steven: What would you like to say to the fans that will come out to a UCW event in their hometown and witness seeing Big Poppa Pump in action again?

Steiner: Asheville and all the other UCW venues were always Big for WCW. I look forward to returning like only BIG POPPA PUMP can.
It's true, It's true....

People say that Scotty has "anger management issues" but that is not the case at all. It is nothing more than he acting crazy enough to make people scared to tell him no. When I lived in Atlanta I got friendly with a lot of the midcard wrestlers in WCW while I trained at Main Event. Kidman, Swinger, Disco Inferno (Glenn), etc.. and they used to tell me quite a few things about shit that went on backstage with a lot of the wrestlers. Scotty had a habit of coming backstage all pissed off after every single match he was in because he would either feel that A) the guy didn't sell for him hard enough B) the company wasn't pushing him hard enough or C) he didn't get to finish the match the way he wanted. he was just start destroying things. Tossing tv monitors and equipment against the wall, pushing over stage carts and the worst thing he did on quite a few occassions was go in the back and turn over the buffet table after his match. That kind of sucked when he had an early match and then dumped out all the food that was there for the other wrestlers.

When he got to the WWE his rep for being unruly and a pain in the ass reached there before he did. Vince put him in some dark matches (non televised) in house shows to see what kind of pop he got and what kind of ring shape he was in. Scotty worked with Bob Holly in one match and although Scotty won the match, the crowd just popped like crazy when Holly caught him with his dropkick. Holly has without a doubt the best dropkick in wrestling. The crowd loves it no matter who he hits with it. Scotty was pissed over that and after the match walked through the curtain, and grabbed the edge of it and yanked it down and then pushed one of the techies there that was setting up the pyros for the next wrestlers entrance. Vince saw that and walked right up to him while he was yelling and told him quietly "I need to speak to you right now." He took him off into a room on the side and people were wondering what would happen in there if Scotty went crazy like he did on the WCW staff. Few minutes went by and Scotty came out of there all meek and quiet. Went to shower and stayed around to do some work in the back which was unheard of from him as he used to do his match and then leave the arena. Vince came out of the room putting his jacket back on. From what was passed around, Vince took him in there and told him that everything he saw that day was his (Vince's) property. The shuttle that brought him to the arena. The food he ate. The ring he worked in. The opponent he worked with. And the guy he pushed all belonged to Vince as long as he was paying for it. And Vince did not kindly take to anyone abusing his property. he told Scotty if it ever happened again that he would find himself working every single house card they had and never getting air time. he would work dark matches and be buried under lesser talent.

Which is what must have happened as Scotts career fizzled out in WWE so fast it wasn't funny. Vince must have lived up to his threats.

LOL. ye noone should be stupid enuff to fuck around with Vince. especially if you work for him.
yeah, I don't get it. makes no sense to look your gift horse in the mouth. and he talks all that shit about getting paid for 3 years. what he is not telling anyone is that he didn't exactly get paid for three years, what happened was Vince exercised the option to purchase his remaining contract which gave him basically dimes on the dollars. he lost out big.

He is incredibly injury prone as well for New japan to even look at.
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