Bubba and Jersey boy-Im sure ruhl uses an INSANE amount of juice-imagine doing several 3 cc injections EVERY DAY. I doubt most pros even use their glutes after a while, unless someone does their injects for them cause im sure they cant turn around, so that leaves delts, arms, and lats and quads. Thats right, lats! If you are shooting 3 or 4 ccs of gear into ANY location every day, the oil will build up and an infection will happen-thats what happened to valentino and he even admitted it. It can also happen if you dont use proper sterilization techniques-imagine doing 3 cc injects into every reachable muscle every day for a long time, and you can imagine that these guys dont neccesarily swab every inject b4 and after, especially when on the road or in a hurry, so its really no surprise, though really nasty abscesses are fairly uncommon-you can usually tell the pros who take care of their bodies, like gunter or levrone.