Fellas... I think that he has learned his lesson.
This is just a little 17 year old punk kid. He screwed up and thought that he could make a few extra bucks to fund his next cycle... He is scared as shit!
He's scared that his family is going to get hurt and that his whole future is about to end due to his mistake... Now, as bad as I hate a dick sucking scammer, at least he is going to right his wrongs and pay everyone back. He has emailed me at least 10 times since last night and along with laughing at him for reaping what he's sown, I almost feel sorry for him... He's a 17 year old kid that is scared to leave his house because he thinks someone is going to pop a cap in his ass or carjack him and beat his head in... which, at first, seemed like a good aproach
He's making everything right and has sent me the tracking number for Ironfist's funds. He's sending him back all of his money along with his order for DNP.
This scammer is now out of the picture... He may come back to the board under a different name, but he's learned his lesson on screwing people... sometimes you get screwed back huh Drew.
I will let you all know if he doesn't come through with his promises.
LOL.... I want to post some of his emails to show you how scared he is... damn its some funny shit! But I think that everything is fine and my point has been made.
As I said before, the only reason that I went out of my way on this was because I had recomended the guy. If I recomend a guy, you can damn well bet that you'll get your product as I investigate everyone that I do business with. Cases like this are exactly the reason. "Information is power."
Anyone else get scammed lately?