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SARMS And The New Post Cycle Therapy

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I agree ,being a research chemical doen't make it controlled.
so how does this look?
1-3 20mg beastdrol
1-12 500mg test e
5-14 50mg prov
10-14 30mg tren tfo
1-14 0.5 adex mon and thurs
12-14 1250ius hcg eod
14-18 sustain alpha...clomid 50mgs pps tcf-1 unleashed
18-22 bridge
22-26 50ml sarms s4 unleashed
26-30 .maybe another bottle bridge or jump back on aas cycle.

run the hcg during the cycle 500ius twice a week. Running hcg at end of a cycle is not as effective as running it during the cycle is. start the pct the day the cycle ends. I like the rest of what you got planed. I would run one more bottle of bridge after and then go into the next cycle
I would use ether clomid or nolva not both. Depending on the cycle I could tell you which one is better. Do pct then save the sarms for after. Is sarms suppressive? I do not feel it is. Is it allowing for 100% recovery? The question remains to be seen I think. Still Myself and my team did the research and come up with this write up ^^

Forma-stanzol should be out tonight ( I hope) but no more then a few days max. Yes I think you should do pct, then a bottle of bridge, then a cycle of sarms. After that it all depends on the cycle you ran

I wasn't going to run both but had em on hand just in case I need them. I'm doing a test e cycle only but may finish it off with a heladrol/xtren combo since I know how my body is reacting to the test. Was thinking of clomid and picking up the forma now that its going to be available.
I wasn't going to run both but had em on hand just in case I need them. I'm doing a test e cycle only but may finish it off with a heladrol/xtren combo since I know how my body is reacting to the test. Was thinking of clomid and picking up the forma now that its going to be available.
if you run the xtrean then use the clomid and forget the nolva bro.
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