it just goes to show u that AS affects us all differently, my first ever cycle, i did winstrol and had great results, my second...anavar and didnt see anything that i liked....
I am also taking Clen cycled 2 days on 2 off with an NYC. Last show I used Winny and it got me shredded. I feel the Var getting me harder but I feel a bit bloated....hmmmm. My friends who hooked up the Var would not let me take Winny again, he said too likely that I might get sides. Hope it works...just more cardio and water drinking.
It's my birthday today!!!!
Clen has a long half-life. 36 - 48 hrs depending on who you talk to. Two days on/two days off will not give your system time to clear the drug and upregulate beta-receptors after weeks of use. As Lobo said 2d on/2d off is not cycling. You're actually on all the time, and 2 weeks is about as long as clen will be effective without a break.