What happends if the test is bunk and deca is genuine while taking this on cycle?
I suspect my test is bunk heading for bloodwork next thursday as i got that day off work and check.
Ow so it shows up just like test does.. then it will be impossible to see. Yes i am doing 2 arimidex a week split in half on ‘750’ mg test e and 500mg deca with caber 1 split in 2.
Yeah ive for zphc test e ampoules fake unfortunately. With serial 2DCP-LHL3-L4F3-C3PE
What do i do on my cycle now? Use different test e brand? Should i use some test p for the first weeks aswell? Because ive been pinning this bunk shit for 3 weeks…
you can use test prop, which wouldnt be a bad idea to get things going... i would go with test prop and test cyp, run them each together and stop the prop after 3-4 weeks if you want to stick with the longer ester or you could just finish out with prop... its more pinning but it certainly wouldnt be a bad idea...
Domestic Supply has REAL zphc if thats the brand you want too bro
What happends if the test is bunk and deca is genuine while taking this on cycle?
I suspect my test is bunk heading for bloodwork next thursday as i got that day off work and check.
you can get estrogen symptoms from testosterone
progesterone is from deca durabolin
better use deca and test and if its fake better stick to the cycle and use it
What happends if the test is bunk and deca is genuine while taking this on cycle?
I suspect my test is bunk heading for bloodwork next thursday as i got that day off work and check.
What happends if the test is bunk and deca is genuine while taking this on cycle?
I suspect my test is bunk heading for bloodwork next thursday as i got that day off work and check.
Thanks for replies guys. I know for a fact the test i was injecting is fake now unfortunately. Ive changed to a different brand of test e now and im pinning test p every other day for the first 2-3 weeks also. I do want to get most out of this cycle so dont want to keep injecting fake shit im eating better and more calories about 5000 everyday. and trying to get 9-10 hours of sleep every night which has always been my biggest problem. Workouts are never a problem as im a gym addict and never miss my workouts and always go hard in the gym. Bloodwork next week.