East-side Bodybuilding
New member
I have a question regarding AAS and female libido. My girlfriend suffered a depression last year and is now done with all the rehab, she used antidepressants. She is now of the drug but she complains that her libido won't go up. She is using the pill right now but she wants to quit taking it and she is thinking to use testosterone to boost her libido. Since I'm on cycle she won't get pregnant that easy and we'll get other stuff for that. My question is can we use testosterone (I've always used sust) to boost her libido and in what quantity is it safe for her to take it, without becoming more manly. I'd figure she could better use the pill for the estrogen and progesterone and maybe use something like 50-100 mg of sust a week. Anyone here has a clue, it's hard to find information on the subject.
I have a question regarding AAS and female libido. My girlfriend suffered a depression last year and is now done with all the rehab, she used antidepressants. She is now of the drug but she complains that her libido won't go up. She is using the pill right now but she wants to quit taking it and she is thinking to use testosterone to boost her libido. Since I'm on cycle she won't get pregnant that easy and we'll get other stuff for that. My question is can we use testosterone (I've always used sust) to boost her libido and in what quantity is it safe for her to take it, without becoming more manly. I'd figure she could better use the pill for the estrogen and progesterone and maybe use something like 50-100 mg of sust a week. Anyone here has a clue, it's hard to find information on the subject.