What are they exactly and what is it's purpose? Would you recommend it? Would it help in burning fat? Getting extra strength and energy? I heard that the stuff will will tear your stomach up! True?
MCT's are Medium Chain Triglycerides (as opposed to Long Chain) - and they've come to be known as the "lean fats". Because they have a smaller molecular structure than LCT's, they tend to be used more readily for energy (rather than being stored as body fat).
A good source would be something like extra-virgin coconut oil...I've used this in the past on a CKD - tastes great!
So would you recommend its use for pre and post workout? Or just pre? How much before and after training? What results did you get? More energy? More strength? I'm trying to shed fat, that is why I'm on a low carb diet. Would this stuff hinder my chances of leaning out? Did you experience any stomach problems from this?
It can be used pre-workout to provide energy - a tablespoon or so of oil (maybe a half hour to an hour before exercise) does the trick. I would say it's an excellent choice for someone on a low-carb diet trying to lean out.