I identify with many cultures...bb'ing, fitness, computer nerds, black, white, east indian, american indian, irish, canadian...etc.
But my physical traits mean that I am identified usually as African-American or Latin-American.
Why is this relevant?
I moved to a more mixed neighborhood where there are more walks of life, and guess what?
People of color LOVE WOMEN with MEAT on their bones. Athletic, muscular women are no exception.
I've also noticed that the black guys (even the skinny ones) at the gyms I've gone to always flirt with that one chocolate girl with the muscular body similar to Marion Jones (Olympic track athlete)...and there is always at least one woman that fits this description at most gyms in Chicago.
In my adulthood, I've lived in a mostly white neighborhood for so long that I thought I was invisible and unattractive. My new neighborhood with more varied cultural backgrounds has welcomed me in a way much different, and they appreciate my physical qualities.
Being black/of color makes the muscle thing a lot easier--not perfect, but easier.
Putting all this in a cultural context shines a light on a virtual fact: what you grew up with is what you tend to appreciate later in life. Most Americans did not live next door to the female state hurdles athlete, whereas, where I grew up, most of the black girls were on the track team and several of them did short runs and built up real muscle.
(Because of my lighter skin color and good in school, my mother figured I was too "pretty" to "mess up my body" and wanted me to identify more with white culture by excelling in school work instead.)
So the attractiveness of muscular women is really a matter of culture...of course, this is not new...but I've dealt with this all my life on other issues...interesting to see how physical traits encourage prejudice in mainstream culture.
Flames or comments on this observation?