I don't want to speak for him, but I don't think he's conservative on his dosages because of the toxicity as much as the receptor downgrade. Therefore, moderate dbol usage is probably OK with him.
I believe it's because he thinks (which I actually agree with to a point) that when you use higher doses than are really needed as a beginner or intermediate user, your receptors will downgrade to the point that in the future your body will require that higher dose to achieve desired effects.
I think some bros jump from beginner to advanced without taking advantage of the lower doses while they can. I took 2thick's advice way back when I did my first cycle about a year ago...It consisted of 250-350mg test per week and 200-300mg deca per week...Gained 20lbs and kept almost all of it, which is great for me. I know guys that weigh 240 at 5'9" and 280 at 5'10" who are both below 15% bodyfat and neither one have ever gone up to a gram per week total (deca and test included).