I mix these protocols in a conjugated manner aka the Westside template. So on ME day I pyramid up to a 1RM or 3RM. On the other day I will do something that I do a couple of warmup sets and then do four sets of of a set number. This is usally SE ( submaximal weights for a set number of reps. Not usually to failure. The reps are usualy in the 3 to 8 range ) as opposed to RE ( reps to failure ).
The exersizes can be the same but are often different. i.e. Bench on ME day and DB Floor Presses on the other day. For some the other day is speed work. So maybe Bench (DE) with bands and then DB Floor Presses (SE) for four sets of 8.
The above incorporates ME, SE and DE in one week for the Bench. Hence the cojugated methods. So the answer is that these different methods all have their place and are beneficial. So you are working absolute strength, hypertrophy and speed in the same week for the same lift.
I may do ME Deadlifts one week and the next week do SE Romanian Deadlifts.
I love pyramids and use them for the the big lifts. However I like to do SE Pendlay Rows where I an concentrating on the reps for the work as opposed to pushing for a 3RM.