Pumping Iron.... That is my movie...
I watch it all the time... it get me so motivated. There are so
many good parts.. i got it form kazaa and i have a VHS of the 25th anniversery special from Cinemax..
there are sooo many good parts... ill tell you a few that stick out
the most...
1. Franco Columbu bench pressing 3 plates (45's or old school 70's), Arnold is counting in German, then tells a joke. Franco laughs and pauses the weight on his chest for about 10 seconds... Then presses it up for 10 like garbage... Amazing..
2. Franco moves a parked car... again, Amazing..
3. Arnold totally embarresses Lou in front of his parents saying hes not in shape and he has no chance of winning. Also he brags
about how he already won SIX titles when he only has FIVE, and the sixth olympia is a day away...
4. Frano pops a hot water bottle by blowing it up...
There are so many more... i dont wanna bore you guys...
But what is YOUR favorite part???
I watch it all the time... it get me so motivated. There are so
many good parts.. i got it form kazaa and i have a VHS of the 25th anniversery special from Cinemax..
there are sooo many good parts... ill tell you a few that stick out
the most...
1. Franco Columbu bench pressing 3 plates (45's or old school 70's), Arnold is counting in German, then tells a joke. Franco laughs and pauses the weight on his chest for about 10 seconds... Then presses it up for 10 like garbage... Amazing..
2. Franco moves a parked car... again, Amazing..
3. Arnold totally embarresses Lou in front of his parents saying hes not in shape and he has no chance of winning. Also he brags
about how he already won SIX titles when he only has FIVE, and the sixth olympia is a day away...
4. Frano pops a hot water bottle by blowing it up...
There are so many more... i dont wanna bore you guys...
But what is YOUR favorite part???