D Drifter New member Mar 13, 2003 #1 I would like to add this excersise to my routine but have no idea how to properly do them. Does anyone have a link or a video that shows proper form for them. Thanks
I would like to add this excersise to my routine but have no idea how to properly do them. Does anyone have a link or a video that shows proper form for them. Thanks
V valerie New member Mar 13, 2003 #2 Spatts does somewhere or you could do a search using her name and pullthrus I love these. Did them today-valerie
Spatts does somewhere or you could do a search using her name and pullthrus I love these. Did them today-valerie
argent New member Mar 13, 2003 #3 Go to Irish Powers's site www.growordie.com He has videos of a shit load of different excercises, pullthroughs included.
Go to Irish Powers's site www.growordie.com He has videos of a shit load of different excercises, pullthroughs included.