I use 1.5 to 2 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight when I'm on. That's a lot of small meals. I eat in order of volume, chicken, broiled oily fish (like salmon), my wife makes me a whole turkey each week but peels all the skin off before I even see it (I use that to pick at), other seafood like scallops or shrimp, canned tuna with a little dijon mustard or lowfat-lowsodium dressing, cartons of raw pasteurized egg whites, the leanest cuts of beef like filets but not often, 95% lean ground beef again not often, scrambled eggs with maybe 3 yolks once in a while and a good whey protein powder to pick up the slack.
2 grams per pound of bodyweight is a lot for me so I try to do 80% food and 20% powder. But, their will always be weeks when I do 70/30 for a few days because I get to the point where I'm still full from the last meal and I have another one coming real soon. And I'm drinking close to 2 gals. of water per day suddenly eating becomes a chore. Those cartons of egg whites are a savior for me cause I gulp them down and don't taste a thing.
I'd like to eat more red meat but I can't and sometimes I get worried about mercury content in all the fish. So, I eat chicken sometimes till I cluck.